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Lacto-Vegetarian: Exploring the Diet and Delightful Choices

Writer: Plantiful PalatePlantiful Palate

Updated: Aug 12, 2023

Lacto Vegetarian Diet Sandwich
Lacto Vegetarian Sandwich

In the world of vegetarianism, there are different variations that cater to specific dietary preferences. One such variation is lacto-vegetarianism, which combines a plant-based diet with the inclusion of dairy products. If you're curious about what it means to be a lacto-vegetarian and what they eat, this comprehensive guide is here to provide answers.

What is a Lacto-Vegetarian?

A lacto-vegetarian is an individual who follows a vegetarian diet that includes dairy products but excludes meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs. The term "lacto" derives from the Latin word for milk, highlighting the inclusion of dairy as an essential part of their diet. Lacto-vegetarians embrace a plant-centric lifestyle while still enjoying dairy products as a source of nutrients.

What do Lacto-Vegetarians Eat?

Lacto-vegetarians have a wide range of food options available to them. Their diet mainly consists of plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and dairy products. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and butter play a prominent role in their daily meals, providing essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

While lacto-vegetarians exclude meat and eggs, they can find alternative protein sources to meet their dietary needs. Plant-based protein-rich foods like tofu, tempeh, seitan, lentils, chickpeas, and beans are excellent choices. Additionally, various brands cater to lacto-vegetarians with innovative plant-based meat alternatives. For example, brands like "This"

The Vegetarian Butcher ( all offer a wide array of delicious and sustainable options.

Is a Lacto-Vegan the Same as a Vegetarian?

While lacto-vegetarians include dairy products in their diet, lacto-vegans eliminate all animal-derived products, including dairy, from their meals. Lacto-vegans follow a strictly plant-based diet and abstain from consuming any animal-based foods or by-products. It's important to understand the distinction between lacto-vegetarianism and lacto-veganism to make informed choices that align with personal dietary preferences.

Can a Lacto-Vegetarian Eat Eggs?

No, lacto-vegetarians do not consume eggs as they are considered animal products. However, lacto-vegetarianism allows for the consumption of dairy products, distinguishing it from ovo-vegetarianism, which includes eggs but excludes dairy.

Can Lacto-Vegetarians Have Milk?

Yes, lacto-vegetarians can consume milk and milk-based products. Milk is a staple in their diet, providing a significant source of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients. Lacto-vegetarians can enjoy milk in various forms, including drinking it, using it in cooking, or incorporating it into their favorite beverages.

Can Lacto-Vegetarians Eat Cheese?

Absolutely! Cheese is a beloved component of the lacto-vegetarian diet. Lacto-vegetarians can explore the diverse world of cheese, from soft and creamy varieties to sharp and aged options. It's important to note that not all cheeses are suitable for vegetarians, as some may contain animal-derived rennet. However, there are numerous vegetarian-friendly cheeses available in the market. Brands.

Why do People Go Lacto-Vegetarian?

People choose lacto-vegetarianism for various reasons, including ethical, environmental, and health considerations. Some individuals adopt this diet due to concerns about animal welfare and choose to exclude meat while still incorporating dairy products. Others may be driven by environmental concerns, as the production of plant-based foods tends to have a lower carbon footprint compared to animal agriculture. Additionally, lacto-vegetarianism can offer potential health benefits, as it encourages a higher consumption of nutrient-dense plant foods and provides essential nutrients from dairy products.

How do Lacto-Vegetarians Get Protein?

Protein is an essential macronutrient, and lacto-vegetarians have plenty of plant-based protein sources to choose from. Foods like tofu, tempeh, seitan, lentils, and legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein. Additionally, incorporating dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese provides additional protein to the lacto-vegetarian diet. With a well-planned and varied diet, lacto-vegetarians can easily meet their protein needs while enjoying a diverse range of delicious foods.

How do Lacto-Vegetarians Get B12?

Vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal-derived foods, making it a concern for some vegetarians. Lacto-vegetarians can obtain vitamin B12 from dairy products like milk and cheese. However, it's important to note that the absorption of B12 can vary among individuals. If necessary, lacto-vegetarians may consider fortified plant-based milk alternatives or consult with a healthcare professional to ensure adequate B12 intake.

What Deficiencies do Lacto-Vegetarians Have?

Lacto-vegetarians, like any dietary group, need to be mindful of their nutrient intake to avoid deficiencies. Some nutrients that require attention for lacto-vegetarians include iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B12. Including a variety of plant-based foods, such as legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and fortified dairy products, can help meet these nutritional needs. It's advisable to consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional to ensure a well-balanced lacto-vegetarian diet that adequately addresses individual nutrient requirements.

What is the Richest Source of Lacto-Vegetarian Protein?

The richest source of protein for lacto-vegetarians varies depending on individual preferences and dietary choices. Foods like tofu, tempeh, seitan, lentils, and legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein. Additionally, incorporating dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese provides further protein options. Experimenting with different combinations of these protein-rich foods allows lacto-vegetarians to enjoy a well-rounded and nutritious diet.


Lacto-vegetarianism offers a compassionate and sustainable approach to dietary choices. By excluding meat and eggs while including dairy products, lacto-vegetarians can enjoy a diverse range of plant-based foods while meeting their nutritional needs. With an abundance of plant-based protein sources and dairy products, lacto-vegetarians have ample opportunities to explore new flavors, embrace a nourishing lifestyle, and contribute positively to animal welfare and the environment. Whether you choose lacto-vegetarianism for ethical, environmental, or health reasons, this dietary choice can be fulfilling and delightful on your culinary journey.



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